My Kitchen Is Your Kitchen

The Food Philosophy

 Chef Sia cooking philosophy is the deconstruction of foods to reconstruct them to be healthy, while still making the food enjoyable to everyone's palette, I educate my clients/audience through their 5 senses  health information, visual appeal, exotic aromas,  familiar textures and the best for last refreshing taste!


The common misconception that anything described as healthy is lacking in flavor and satisfaction.  In addition there is the assumption that eating healthy is out of the avenge person/family's budget, Chef Sia strives to make affordable healthy meals.


It is all about the balance of health and wellness through food nutrition and primary food (mental and emotional well-being, and spiritual connection to the universe

Sia H. Pickett is the owner of Malata Cuisine, a personal Natural Foods chef service in Brooklyn, NY. Sia is a certified community chef, health coach, a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and a student of Escoffier Culinary School.